Term 1 (£50)
January 13th (Gym at Homewood. NOT the Sinden
Contact Carla for directions to find)
January 20th (Gym at Homewood. NOT the Sinden)
January 27th (Sinden Theatre)
February 3rd
10th, 17th February will NOT be in the Sinden. It will be in the school GYM. Please contact Carla for directions on finding us.
NO CHOIR- 24th February
Term 2 (£50) -7 week term to make up for small 4 week Term 3.
3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th March
31st, 7th, 14th April
NO CHOIR. 21st April
Term 3 (£50)
28th April
5th May- NO CHOIR - Bank Holiday
12th, 19th May
26th May- NO CHOIR- Bank Holiday
2nd June
Term 4 (£50) 7 weeks to make up for small term 3
Monday 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th June
7th, 14th, 21st July
Term 1 (£50)
January 16th, 23rd, 30th Jan
6th, 13th, 20th February
No Break
Term 2 (£50)
27th February
6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March
3rd April
10th, 17th April - Easter Holidays
Term 3 (£50) 5 week term. To be made up in the 7 weeks summer term.
24th April
1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Thursday 29th May- Half term
Term 4
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th June
3rd, 10th, 17th July.
Summer break
Saturday 22nd March 5pm Concert
This is a special day hosted by St.Dunstans Church Cranbrook, bringing together local musical groups to promote musical wellbeing.
The afternoon will be filled with opportunities to learn more about musical wellbeing and events in the area and also learning to play musical instruments.....and much more!
In the evening we will be part of a concert singing a small set of our favourite songs. This will be part of a combined concert with other ensembles and choirs.
Unless you would like to be part of the other events throughout the day, please meet at the church at 4pm ready for the performance at 5pm.
Saturday 14th June
Come and enjoy the wonderful vibes of the Benenden Summer Fete and be part of this uplifting performance.
We will be combining our two wonderful choirs together for a fabulous giant sing!
Showcasing the songs we have been working on this year.
"I will follow him" from Sister act to "Super Trouper" by ABBA!
This delightful performance will be joyful and well worth being part of!
We will be singing 1pm-1:40pm in Benenden Church.
(Meet to warm up at 12:30 outside. Exactly location to be discussed)
On Friday 21st March Tenterden choir will be bringing some musical joy to the residents of Woodchurch house. We will sing from 10-10:30.
To meet at 9:45 outside the main entrance.
Date TBC
The Tenterden choir will be showcasing the wonderful songs we have been working on this year in this lovely informal concert.
There will be tea and cake and an opportunity to come together to share the joys of music. The event will also be helping to raise money for the amazing Dementia Experience charity run by Clara Hebblethwaite. For more information about the cause please visit
Everyone welcome!
Copyright © 2024 The Rhythm Of Life Choir - All Rights Reserved.